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Philosophy & Focus Areas

At Midian, we work to empower the Transformative Community Leadership, and we believe  that those who have grown up within the community, who have experienced its joys and its challenges, are best equipped to transform the community itself and its structures from within by growing and sustaining the community's assets while confronting and transforming unjust institutions and practices. 

We are committed to a Longitudinal Approach of sticking with young people from middle school until they reach stable adulthood, assisting with steps such as academic success, college access, life skills, and career support, as well as maintaining connections with college students studying out of town, equipping young people to ultimately reinvest in the community. 


We emphasize seeking wholeness for the community through Restorative Justice and Peacebuilding that affirms each person’s role and contribution to community life, seeks full restoration for those who have violated community standards, including those entangled in the criminal justice system, seeks reconciliation for those who experience conflict and violence, and empowers young people to take proactive, intentional action to ensure the peace and thriving of our community.  

Midian participates in unique cutting-edge research and practice in the Trauma-Healing Power of Sports, partnering with local teams and leagues as well as our own programs to promote a safe, holistic (mind, body, soul, emotions) training ground for leadership that is transferrable from athletic fields to the community. 

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© 2024 by Midian Leadership Project

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